About the IMMA Collection

IMMA is charged by the Irish State to build the National Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art. The Board of IMMA has appointed a Collections & Acquisitions Committee, that comprises members of the Board, Executive Managers, and external experts. The purchase of artworks is informed by an acquisitions policy approved by the Board. IMMA seeks to bring innovative and creative artworks into the Collection to assemble a set of world-class works that best exemplify current art practice and provoke research into contemporary art and culture.

A computer animation projected in a dark room, looks at first like wisps of smoke against a black background. It is in fact black and white image of figures flying around a central globe. A black reflective plinth or perhaps a container of water below mirrors some wisps of the projected image. In the bottom right corner, a light we cannot see picks out the corner of the plinth and a patch of floor, which looks blueish, while everything else is black. The piece is ‘Sovereign Sisters’ by the Otolith Group artist collective’s exhibition Xenogenesis.

Sovereign Sisters: Sovereign Sisters, 2014, detail, HD video 16:9. Computer animation transferred to black and white, no sound, wood, glass, reinforced, plastic, purified water. Duration 3:47 minutes. Installation view The Otolith Group: Xenogenesis, IMMA. 2022.  Image courtesy of the artists and IMMA, Dublin. Photo: Ros Kavanagh.