Statement of Comprehensive Income
Note | 2023 | 2022 | |
€ | € | ||
Surplus for the year after appropriations | 16,317 | 353,708 | |
Experience gains/ (losses) on retirement benefit obligations | (109,978) | 910,837 | |
Changes in assumptions underlying the present value of retirement benefit obligations | 1,766,172 | (11,044,078) | |
Total actuarial gains/(losses) in the year | 18b. | 1,876,150 | (10,133,241) |
Adjustment to Deferred Benefits Funding | (1,876,150) | 10,133,241 | |
Total Comprehensive income for the year | 16,317 | 353,708 |
The Statement of Cash Flows and notes 1 to 23 form and part of these financial statements.
On behalf of the Board
Ali Curran
Margot Lyons
28th June 2024